Service Dogs
Paws from Heaven offers a wide range of task-trained service dogs. We specialize in psychiatric and medical alert dogs. Each dog is individually trained for the needs of each handler after getting a strong foundation in reliable, functional obedience.
Level 1
​Level 1 dog is fully on and off leash trained capable of working in any environment.
. On/Off Leash Trained
. Socialized/ house trained
. Tasks such as Mobility Aid, Deep Pressure Therapy, and Medication Retrieval
Level 2
Level 2 dogs undergo the same training as Level 1 dogs and have the addition to more complicated tasks. High level functional obedience coupled with more advanced tasks such as
. Alert to Panic Attacks,
. Item Retrieval (not just medication), . Mobility Redirection,
. Deep Pressure Techniques,
. Progressive Alert Behaviors
Level 3
Level Three dogs have the same training components as the previous levels, and show master level precision in expert level task behaviors. This includes
.Medical Alert for Seizures, Diabetics, Severe Psychiatric Episodes,
. Allergies
. Progressive Alert Chains
. Deep Pressure Therapy
. Mobility Strategies and many more